All new members need to read, agree and sign the RSW Terms and Conditions. These can be viewed and downloaded here.

Rules to workshop members

Workshop users in agreeing to Rising Sun Workshop Terms and Conditions you also agree to read and comply with our rules. Failure to do so may result in immediate cancellation of any workshop hire bookings. You may also be refused from hiring the workshop in the future.

In order to operate from this site RSW has had to implement strict membership rules in order to prevent noise disturbances to other uses in the area.  The following rules have been put in place in order to protect the amenity:


1. Workshop members must access RSW via King Street entry to Whateley Street exclusively and must not use all surrounding roads and lanes in respect of local residents. If an individual member continually fails to avoid the surrounding roads and laneways, other than the correct arrival/departure route, this will be considered breach of Membership T&C and result in termination of membership.

2. After entry to Whateley Street, members must kill the engine at 15 metres from King street, see figure 1, and roll or walk your motorcycle safely into the workshop.

3. Upon ending your booked workshop time, if the bike you are working on is also your ride home, wheel the bike outside the building before starting the bike.

4. In the event that your project motorbike requires warming up before taking off, wheel the bike to the “kill-switch” line on Whateley lane and start up from there, and please take off and exit onto King Street as soon as possible.

5. Shakedowns are not to occur on any street other than King street,

6. Motorbikes both inside and outside the premises cannot be started up or revved.


7.   Under no circumstance can workshop members access the Whateley Lane storage building without supervision of RSW staff

8.  After your booked session, members are to follow safety procedures, dismount the motorcycle from the bay and leave it in the allocated holding area within the premises for staff to return to the storage facility on your behalf.


9.  Customisation of motorbikes, that are intended for road use, are to comply with the Australian Design Rules for vehicles as outlined by the Australian Government under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 and upheld by Australian States and Territories. Access to this information can be found at A link to the specific standards can also be found at

10.  It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure their motorcycle meet the ADR standards, failure to comply can result in fines issued by Australian Federal Police Highway Patrol and loss of vehicle registration.

11.  Exhaust pipe noise standards are set by the manufacturer of the original make, model and year of manufacture, be sure to refer to the specific motorcycle manufacturers manual for guidance. Excessive exhaust noise can result in EPA orders, fines and demerit point loss, RSW does not support excessive noise from motorcycles and require all members to act responsibly within the rules, guides and laws set by the Australian Government.

Figure 1. Kill switch line: Please obey road rules when wheeling through the intersection, as visibility to on coming traffic from Brown Lane is low.